Annapaola è molto fortunata ad avere un armadio pieno di pezzi vintage originali, se le vostre mamme e nonne non hanno conservato nulla del loro guardaroba giovanile, se non vi piace frugare tra le bancarelle dei mercatini, ma amate lo stile retrò e l'ottima fattura del made in Italy, il mio consiglio di oggi è di dare un'occhiata allo store on line di Lazzari , una piccola azienda in provincia di Verona con 30 anni di storia alle spalle, che vuole contribuire alla conservazione dell'esperienza tessile italiana privilegiando dove possibile materie prime e lavorazioni nazionali: niente cineserie dunque, gli abiti di Lazzari vengono cuciti tutti in Italia.Il negozio on line sta crescendo rapidamente grazie all'accurata scelta di fotografi, registi e modelle che valorizzano al meglio i lookbook delle collezioni e grazie alla brillante comunicazione sul web che si basa principalmente sull'aggiornamento frequente di una pagina facebook che conta ormai oltre 4000 fan. Sono sicura che se la linea rimarrà questa, nei prossimi anni farà diretta concorrenza a Modcloth, lo store americano di inspirazione vintage, leader nel settore. Ecco il diverten teteaser e le foto della collezione primavera-estate 2012, molto garbata e bon-ton. Se potessi la comprerei tutta in blocco!
Annapoala is very lucky because she has in her closet lots of original vintage pieces, if your mum and grandmother didn't keep anything of their youthful closet, if you don't like to search for dress in the flea market, but you love the retro style and the good make of the made in Italy, today my advice is to have a look at Lazzari's store on line, a small factory from Verona province, wich has been active in the clothes sector for 30 years now and wants to contribute to the preservation of Italian textile tradition and experience choosing wherever possible national fabrics and raw materials: no Chinese products but just Italian. The store on line is growing quickly thanks to the accurate choice of the photagraphers, models and directors wich enhance the collection's lookbook and thanks to a brilliant web communication based mainly on the frequent updating of a facebook page wich has more than 4000 fan. I'm sure that in few years if they go on in this way the will be direct competitor of Modcloth, the american online store with a vintage inspiration leader in this sector. Here you will see nice teaser and picture of the spring-summer 2012 collection wich is very graceful and bon ton. If I could I would buy it wholly!

Annapoala is very lucky because she has in her closet lots of original vintage pieces, if your mum and grandmother didn't keep anything of their youthful closet, if you don't like to search for dress in the flea market, but you love the retro style and the good make of the made in Italy, today my advice is to have a look at Lazzari's store on line, a small factory from Verona province, wich has been active in the clothes sector for 30 years now and wants to contribute to the preservation of Italian textile tradition and experience choosing wherever possible national fabrics and raw materials: no Chinese products but just Italian. The store on line is growing quickly thanks to the accurate choice of the photagraphers, models and directors wich enhance the collection's lookbook and thanks to a brilliant web communication based mainly on the frequent updating of a facebook page wich has more than 4000 fan. I'm sure that in few years if they go on in this way the will be direct competitor of Modcloth, the american online store with a vintage inspiration leader in this sector. Here you will see nice teaser and picture of the spring-summer 2012 collection wich is very graceful and bon ton. If I could I would buy it wholly!

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