Hussein Bazaza was born in Beirut, in 1990.
He enrolled at ESMOD Beirut to study for a BA in Fashion Design and Pattern Making.Graduating from his BA in 2011, Bazaza continued with an internship at MaisonRabihKayrouz inParis, and later worked for Elie Saab as a junior designer in Beirut, Lebanon.
Hussein received the prestigious Elle Style Award “Best Upcoming Middle East Designer” in December 2013, unanimously voted by 44 global Elle editors. In October 2014, Hussein Bazaza partnered with IWC Schaffhausen to exclusively showcase his Resort'15 collection with Adriana Lima, as a guest of honor. In April 2015, Hussein was awarded with the “Best Emerging Designer” for The Middle East Fashion Awards 2015.
Bazaza’sfirst collection in 2012 mapped out his signature style, he was selected by the Starch Foundation to launch his eponymous line of ready-to-wear. Hussein is known for drawing inspirations, where every cut reflects a different story, a personal emotion that creates a one-of-a-kind experience, fashion with a soul.
The F/W 2015/16 collection, called "Luna", is a story about a woman who falls in love with a wolf only to find herself eaten by the object of her desire. The collection includes a fabric mash-up: python, mesh, lace, silk, jersey and wool. Prints- another one of my signatures- are used on silk dresses, shirts, skirts and sweaters. The shapes are very fitted and flared at the same time"-explains the designer. "In my work every cut reflects a different story, a personal emotion that creates a one-of-a-kind experience. Fashion with soul".
Resort collection S/S2015
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
What I put on my head?
After the summer, my hair needs extra-care, so I use many products.
Sometimes, when I have more time, before shampoo, I do a linseed oil pack that I buy in a organic shop, half an hour (or an hour if I have time) posing and then step to the shampoo.
- I really like the Furterer products: -10 minutes before to wash my hair I apply the Furterer oil Complexe 5, it is a blend of orange essential oils, lavender and verbena which tones and fortifies the scalp from the roots.
- I usually wash the hair with ultra soft shampoo, alternating the Restivoil Activ hair brittle and lifeless. It contains Eufortil, it feeds the bulb providing the essential minerals and has an antioxidant. -Alternating with Almacabio sandalwood shampoo, natural cleansing substances extracted from vegetable raw materials.
-After Shampooing I apply prodigious René Furterer mask: Ultimate Revival Extreme damage hair,
10 minutes posing, it repair and regenerate even the most damaged hair. From the very first application, hair is transformed: its original strength, resistance and beauty are restored. Easy to detangle, hair is soft, supple and radiant.
- After dried the hair with a towel I apply Tonucia toning and densifying serum always Furterer, for lifeless and tired hair, 100% natural origin active ingredients with natural lemon balm extract.
Not all girls! ...
-After you have dried your hair I close with a splash of Volumea Furterer, fine hair, lacking volume. Volumizing foam adds volume and structure to fine hair. Soft and shiny, fine hair achieves controlled volume.
-For split ends I apply a little 'of organic flax seed oil, in all the stores that sell organic products.
-For A shock treatment I use Biothymus vials and shampoo, a vial once a day for 15 days, (if the hair is really apart for 30 days) indicated in cases of eating disorders, hormonal imbalances, stress, weathering. With soy isoflavones, biotin, ginseng and Vitamin PP.
-obviously I do not miss the food supplement: every morning two capsules of Phytophanere Phyto, vitamins B, C, E, essential fatty acids (borage oil), zinc and plant extracts that stimulate and strengthen hair and nails.
-Fluid Restructurant with millet and wheatgerm by Erbolario is a special fluid for restructuring and protective treatment for limp, dry hair which is brittle or forms split ends. I can apply also on dry hair. Do not rinse.
That's all!
Cosa mi metto in testa?
Dopo l'estate i miei capelli hanno bisogno di più cure del solito, quindi i prodotti che uso sono tanti. Ogni tanto, quando ho un po' più di tempo, prima di fare lo shampoo faccio un impacco con l'olio di lino che compro in un negozio bio, mezzora e se ho tempo anche un'ora in posa e poi passo allo shampoo.
Mi trovo molto bene con i prodotti Furterer:
-10 minuti prima di lavarmi i capelli applico l'olio Furterer Complexe , è un concentrato di oli essenziali di arancia, lavanda e verbena che stimolano la micro circolazione e tonificano il cuoio capelluto.
- i capelli generalmente li lavo con shampoo ultra delicati, alterno il Restivoil Activ per capelli fragili e sfibrati. Contiene Eufortil, nutre il bulbo fornendo i minerali essenziali e svolge un'azione antiossidante.
-Lo alterno con lo shampoo al sandalo di Almacabio con proteine del grano e estratto di uva rossa, con sostanze detergenti naturali da oli e grassi di origine vegetale.
-Dopo lo shampoo applico una maschera prodigiosa di René Furterer:Maschera effetto Rinascita Estrema per capelli ultradanneggiati, la lascio 10 minuti in posa e poi risciacquo.La consistenza è ricchissima, nutre e dona lucentezza alla capigliatura già dalla prima applicazione.
- Dopo aver tamponato i capelli con un telo applico il siero tonificante ridensificante sempre di Furterer, per capelli devitalizzati e affaticati, 100% principi attivi d'origine naturale con estratto naturale di Melissa.
Non finisce qui ragazze!...
-Dopo aver asciugato i capelli chiudo il tutto con una spruzzata di Volumea Furterer, trattamento volumizzante per capelli sottili, un velo leggero di prodotto che solleva le radici e dà volume alle lunghezze.
-Se le punte sono sfibrate applico un po' di olio di semi di lino biologico, in tutti i negozi che vendono prodotti bio.
-Per un trattamento d'urto uso le fiale e lo shampoo Biothymus per 15 giorni una fiala al giorno, (se i capelli stanno veramente a pezzi anche per 30gg) indicate in caso di disordini alimentari, squilibri ormonali, stress, agenti atmosferici. Con isoflavoni di soia, biotina, ginseng e Vitamina PP. -Ovviamente non mi faccio mancare l'integratore alimentare: tutte le mattine due capsule di Phytophanere di Phyto, vitamine B, C, E, acidi grassi essenziali (olio di borragine), zinco e estratti di piante che stimolano e rinforzano capelli e unghie.
-Il Fluido Ristrutturante al miglio e germe di grano dell'Erbolario
Uno speciale fluido oil non oil per il trattamento ristrutturante e protettivo dei capelli sfibrati, aridi, facili a spezzarsi o a formare doppie punte. posso usarlo anche sui capelli asciutti, non necessita risciacquo.
That's all!
After the summer, my hair needs extra-care, so I use many products.
Sometimes, when I have more time, before shampoo, I do a linseed oil pack that I buy in a organic shop, half an hour (or an hour if I have time) posing and then step to the shampoo.
- I really like the Furterer products: -10 minutes before to wash my hair I apply the Furterer oil Complexe 5, it is a blend of orange essential oils, lavender and verbena which tones and fortifies the scalp from the roots.
- I usually wash the hair with ultra soft shampoo, alternating the Restivoil Activ hair brittle and lifeless. It contains Eufortil, it feeds the bulb providing the essential minerals and has an antioxidant. -Alternating with Almacabio sandalwood shampoo, natural cleansing substances extracted from vegetable raw materials.
-After Shampooing I apply prodigious René Furterer mask: Ultimate Revival Extreme damage hair,
10 minutes posing, it repair and regenerate even the most damaged hair. From the very first application, hair is transformed: its original strength, resistance and beauty are restored. Easy to detangle, hair is soft, supple and radiant.
- After dried the hair with a towel I apply Tonucia toning and densifying serum always Furterer, for lifeless and tired hair, 100% natural origin active ingredients with natural lemon balm extract.
Not all girls! ...
-After you have dried your hair I close with a splash of Volumea Furterer, fine hair, lacking volume. Volumizing foam adds volume and structure to fine hair. Soft and shiny, fine hair achieves controlled volume.
-For split ends I apply a little 'of organic flax seed oil, in all the stores that sell organic products.
-For A shock treatment I use Biothymus vials and shampoo, a vial once a day for 15 days, (if the hair is really apart for 30 days) indicated in cases of eating disorders, hormonal imbalances, stress, weathering. With soy isoflavones, biotin, ginseng and Vitamin PP.
-obviously I do not miss the food supplement: every morning two capsules of Phytophanere Phyto, vitamins B, C, E, essential fatty acids (borage oil), zinc and plant extracts that stimulate and strengthen hair and nails.
-Fluid Restructurant with millet and wheatgerm by Erbolario is a special fluid for restructuring and protective treatment for limp, dry hair which is brittle or forms split ends. I can apply also on dry hair. Do not rinse.
That's all!
Cosa mi metto in testa?
Dopo l'estate i miei capelli hanno bisogno di più cure del solito, quindi i prodotti che uso sono tanti. Ogni tanto, quando ho un po' più di tempo, prima di fare lo shampoo faccio un impacco con l'olio di lino che compro in un negozio bio, mezzora e se ho tempo anche un'ora in posa e poi passo allo shampoo.
Mi trovo molto bene con i prodotti Furterer:
-10 minuti prima di lavarmi i capelli applico l'olio Furterer Complexe , è un concentrato di oli essenziali di arancia, lavanda e verbena che stimolano la micro circolazione e tonificano il cuoio capelluto.
- i capelli generalmente li lavo con shampoo ultra delicati, alterno il Restivoil Activ per capelli fragili e sfibrati. Contiene Eufortil, nutre il bulbo fornendo i minerali essenziali e svolge un'azione antiossidante.
-Lo alterno con lo shampoo al sandalo di Almacabio con proteine del grano e estratto di uva rossa, con sostanze detergenti naturali da oli e grassi di origine vegetale.
-Dopo lo shampoo applico una maschera prodigiosa di René Furterer:Maschera effetto Rinascita Estrema per capelli ultradanneggiati, la lascio 10 minuti in posa e poi risciacquo.La consistenza è ricchissima, nutre e dona lucentezza alla capigliatura già dalla prima applicazione.
- Dopo aver tamponato i capelli con un telo applico il siero tonificante ridensificante sempre di Furterer, per capelli devitalizzati e affaticati, 100% principi attivi d'origine naturale con estratto naturale di Melissa.
Non finisce qui ragazze!...
-Dopo aver asciugato i capelli chiudo il tutto con una spruzzata di Volumea Furterer, trattamento volumizzante per capelli sottili, un velo leggero di prodotto che solleva le radici e dà volume alle lunghezze.
-Se le punte sono sfibrate applico un po' di olio di semi di lino biologico, in tutti i negozi che vendono prodotti bio.
-Per un trattamento d'urto uso le fiale e lo shampoo Biothymus per 15 giorni una fiala al giorno, (se i capelli stanno veramente a pezzi anche per 30gg) indicate in caso di disordini alimentari, squilibri ormonali, stress, agenti atmosferici. Con isoflavoni di soia, biotina, ginseng e Vitamina PP. -Ovviamente non mi faccio mancare l'integratore alimentare: tutte le mattine due capsule di Phytophanere di Phyto, vitamine B, C, E, acidi grassi essenziali (olio di borragine), zinco e estratti di piante che stimolano e rinforzano capelli e unghie.
-Il Fluido Ristrutturante al miglio e germe di grano dell'Erbolario
Uno speciale fluido oil non oil per il trattamento ristrutturante e protettivo dei capelli sfibrati, aridi, facili a spezzarsi o a formare doppie punte. posso usarlo anche sui capelli asciutti, non necessita risciacquo.
That's all!
beauty products,
hair mask,
hair serum,
linseed oil,
rené furterer,
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
This morning I sipped my coffee in a china cup of Delftware and I thought about how many outfits over the years have been inspired by the famous Dutch pottery label. From Dior to Valentino, coming to last Dolce&Gabbana winter collection and remembering the Chinese artist Li-Xiaofeng, that the blue and white porcelain, it was not just inspired, but it has built some real clothes / sculpture.
Stamattina mentre sorseggiavo un caffè nella mia tazzina di porcellana di Delft, pensavo a quanti abiti nel corso degli anni sono stati ispirati da queste porcellane olandesi. Da Dior a Valentino approdando alla collezione di Dolce &Gabbana di quest'inverno e ricordando l'artista cinese Li-Xiaofeng, che alle porcellane bianche e blu, non si è semplicemente ispirato, ma ci ha costruito dei veri e propri vestiti/scultura.
Stamattina mentre sorseggiavo un caffè nella mia tazzina di porcellana di Delft, pensavo a quanti abiti nel corso degli anni sono stati ispirati da queste porcellane olandesi. Da Dior a Valentino approdando alla collezione di Dolce &Gabbana di quest'inverno e ricordando l'artista cinese Li-Xiaofeng, che alle porcellane bianche e blu, non si è semplicemente ispirato, ma ci ha costruito dei veri e propri vestiti/scultura.
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Dolce&Gabbana F/W2015-16 |
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Dolce&Gabbana F/W2015-16 |
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Dolce&Gabbana F/W2015-16 |
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Valentino F/W 2013/14 |
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Valentino F/W 2013/14 |
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Roberto Cavalli 2013 |
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Giambattista Valli 2013 |
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Dior Haute Couture 2009 |
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Roberto Cavalli 2005 |
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Valentino 1967 |
Dior 1959 |
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Dior by Roger Vivier 1956 |
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Li- Xiaofeng |
delf dress,
delft inspiration,
dolce and gabbana,
fashion outfit,
giambattista valli,
outfit and fashion,
roberto cavalli,
roger vivier,
Sunday, October 25, 2015
As I mentioned in the previous article I published on Friday on Lady Blitz ( a major monographic Balthus exhibition split between two exhibiton centres: Scuderie del Quirinale and Villa Medici, opened yesterday and I'll speak about more deeply on my blog.
At the Scuderie del Quirinale, with a complete retrospective built around best-known masterpieces; and at the Villa Medici with an exhibition that, through the works realized during his roman stay, highlights in-depth analysis of his working method, his creative process, his use of models, his techniques, his recourse to photography.
The exhibition, curated by Cécile Dubray, curator of the National Museum of Modern Art Centre Pompidou, brings together more than two hundred works spanning the entire career of Balthus.
The Scuderie del Quirinale's exhibition is divided into sections ordered by chronological order:
Balthus defined his first important work-The Street of 1933- as "the manifesto of a plastic attitude". The picture is for the first time exhibited together with the previous 1929 version. The painting, a familiar street scene set in the heart of the Latin quarter of Paris in which the main figures are children, is a synthesis of the principal features of Balthus's future works:subtly erotic scenes of children's games with geometric construction underlying the composition. Compared with previous canvases-small Paris scenes of soft naturalism-this large composition is in effect a breack, a realization of the principles of layout and stylization observed in the painting of the Italian Primitives, essenntially Piero della Francesca, whose frescoes Balthus copied in 1926 in Arezzo.
Balthus always evoked his happy childhood and confessed to a fascination with children and their games, expressed right from his first canvases painted at the age of seventeen in the gardens of the Luxembourg. Most of his works feature young models , scarcely adolescent, who embody the ambiguous moment between childhood and adulthood, between innocent abandonment and sensual pose.
The painting Cathy's Toilette and the original drawings of 1933 illustrating the novel "Wuthering Heights" reveal how much his fascination for the threatening and romantic universe of Emily Brontë marked the painting and personality of Balthus, who developed a deep attachment to the wild condition of infancy, a relationship of fusion with austere and bitter nature and an archaic and grandiose vision of landed gentry.
The world of the parson and mathematician Lewis Carroll inspired the most "bizarre" part of Balthus's work. Alice in the Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass provided a fundamental source for his poetic imagination:the role of cats, animals, the almost fetishistic attention to all objects, a strange world, the oneirism that surrounds the young girl.
In many of his paintings Balthus suggests the erotic dimension by depicting young girls washing abandoned in contemplation or intent on playing with a cat, a sort of double of the painter who generally occupies the position of observer. The monumental composition of The Room (1952-1954) concludes and completes the equivocal scenes of interiors begun in 1944 with The Golden Days. It is precisely the scopic impulse that presides over Balthus's scenes and their erotic tonality that is celebrated by many critics and poets.
The 1932 meeting with Artaud seemingly reinforced the "cruel" aesthetic in young Balthus, a stinging realism suited to the expression of a non-lenient vision of the world , which marked in both of them the real distance from the fantastical and oneiric aesthetic of the surrealists.
Artaud would also engage the painter for the sets and costumes of his work The Cenci, staged in 1935, the first in a series of Balthus 's collaborations with the theatre which reinforced their shared interest in the tableau vivant, a notion in which fetish, contemplation and perversion were mixed and which Klossowski employed to indicate what many would then perceive as a form of silence and petrifying in the paintings of Balthus.
Pierre Klossowski noted in his brother's painting the reminiscences of the bourgeois atmosphere of the family house with all everyday accessories. The figures painted by Balthus in the fifties have nonetheless a monumental presence which harks back to a form of voluntary archaism.
BALTHUS -Scuderie del Quirinale and Villa Medici - until January 31, 2016
At the Scuderie del Quirinale, with a complete retrospective built around best-known masterpieces; and at the Villa Medici with an exhibition that, through the works realized during his roman stay, highlights in-depth analysis of his working method, his creative process, his use of models, his techniques, his recourse to photography.
The exhibition, curated by Cécile Dubray, curator of the National Museum of Modern Art Centre Pompidou, brings together more than two hundred works spanning the entire career of Balthus.
The Scuderie del Quirinale's exhibition is divided into sections ordered by chronological order:
Balthus defined his first important work-The Street of 1933- as "the manifesto of a plastic attitude". The picture is for the first time exhibited together with the previous 1929 version. The painting, a familiar street scene set in the heart of the Latin quarter of Paris in which the main figures are children, is a synthesis of the principal features of Balthus's future works:subtly erotic scenes of children's games with geometric construction underlying the composition. Compared with previous canvases-small Paris scenes of soft naturalism-this large composition is in effect a breack, a realization of the principles of layout and stylization observed in the painting of the Italian Primitives, essenntially Piero della Francesca, whose frescoes Balthus copied in 1926 in Arezzo.
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The Street 1933 - The street 1929 |
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Young woman in a park 1935 |
Balthus always evoked his happy childhood and confessed to a fascination with children and their games, expressed right from his first canvases painted at the age of seventeen in the gardens of the Luxembourg. Most of his works feature young models , scarcely adolescent, who embody the ambiguous moment between childhood and adulthood, between innocent abandonment and sensual pose.
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Up:The Painter's grandchild - Solitaire - Portrait of Laurence B. Down:The Diabolo player - The Blanchard children - Pierre and Betty Leyris |
The painting Cathy's Toilette and the original drawings of 1933 illustrating the novel "Wuthering Heights" reveal how much his fascination for the threatening and romantic universe of Emily Brontë marked the painting and personality of Balthus, who developed a deep attachment to the wild condition of infancy, a relationship of fusion with austere and bitter nature and an archaic and grandiose vision of landed gentry.
drawings of 1933 illustrating the novel "Wuthering Heights" |
Cathy's Toilette |
The world of the parson and mathematician Lewis Carroll inspired the most "bizarre" part of Balthus's work. Alice in the Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass provided a fundamental source for his poetic imagination:the role of cats, animals, the almost fetishistic attention to all objects, a strange world, the oneirism that surrounds the young girl.
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Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Dress - King of the Cats |
The Cat of la Méditerranée |
In many of his paintings Balthus suggests the erotic dimension by depicting young girls washing abandoned in contemplation or intent on playing with a cat, a sort of double of the painter who generally occupies the position of observer. The monumental composition of The Room (1952-1954) concludes and completes the equivocal scenes of interiors begun in 1944 with The Golden Days. It is precisely the scopic impulse that presides over Balthus's scenes and their erotic tonality that is celebrated by many critics and poets.
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Up: The Room (1947.1948) - Young Girl with the Cat(1945) Down: The Room (1952.1954) - The Week with four Thursday (1949) |
The 1932 meeting with Artaud seemingly reinforced the "cruel" aesthetic in young Balthus, a stinging realism suited to the expression of a non-lenient vision of the world , which marked in both of them the real distance from the fantastical and oneiric aesthetic of the surrealists.
Artaud would also engage the painter for the sets and costumes of his work The Cenci, staged in 1935, the first in a series of Balthus 's collaborations with the theatre which reinforced their shared interest in the tableau vivant, a notion in which fetish, contemplation and perversion were mixed and which Klossowski employed to indicate what many would then perceive as a form of silence and petrifying in the paintings of Balthus.
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Ten studies for the costumes for of The Cenci (1935) |
Leaning Nude (1939) |
Portrait of Pierre Leyris (1932-33) |
Pierre Klossowski noted in his brother's painting the reminiscences of the bourgeois atmosphere of the family house with all everyday accessories. The figures painted by Balthus in the fifties have nonetheless a monumental presence which harks back to a form of voluntary archaism.
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up: Fréderiqué with red Sweater (1955) - Girl in white blouse (1955) down: Girl Drowsing (1955) - The Dream II (1956-57) |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Very young designer Nicolò Beretta aka Giannico was born in Milan nineteen years ago. Since early on he was drawn to designing clothers and accessories. At the age of 14, Nicolò moved to Sydney in Australia due to professional obligations of his family. The trip to Australia has proven to be an important step to gain life experience for the young designer. Sydney has deeply influenced the young Milanese boy, who takes inspiration and creative incentives from this capital, with its cosmopolitan atmosphere and its fervent multicultural life.
In 2011 Nicolò met leading figures from international fashion scene, such as Manolo Blahnik and Franca Sozzani, and he told them with enthusiasm and passion about his creative ideas. The great encouragement received from these fashion veterans and influencers, gave Nicolò the confidence to make his dreams become reality.
The brand Giannico was born, even at the beginning, being only 17 years old, he showed great entrepreneurial spirit, choosing to produce his first collection in Italy.
He was able to present his first collection during the Fall/Winter 2013/2014 Fashion Shows in Milan and Paris. His collection has gained great attention from leading personalities in the fashion world, international buyers. In February 2014 Giannico has been selected to participate in the prestigious event “Vogue Talents” organized by Vogue Italy.
A play of contrasts served as the inspiration for the Fall Winter 2015/16 collection by Giannico. Each piece is transformed into a work of art through innovation and the use of precious materials. Genius and inspiration surround the shoes turning them into objects of desire Sweet and sugary scents awaken memories of a carefree childhood that are emanated from the rubber details.
“Eternal Summer Collection” S/S2016 is a celebration of the summer season. Vivid colors, eye-catching decorations, captivating patterns. Nothing is minimal here, everything shines bright to pay homage to women’s beauty and elegance.The color palette ranges from sorbet tones of baby pink and sky blue to vivid shades of fuchsia, orange and yellow. Black trimming adds a graphic touch highlighting the collection’s sophisticated spirit.
SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Collection
FALL/WINTER 2015/16 Collection
He was able to present his first collection during the Fall/Winter 2013/2014 Fashion Shows in Milan and Paris. His collection has gained great attention from leading personalities in the fashion world, international buyers. In February 2014 Giannico has been selected to participate in the prestigious event “Vogue Talents” organized by Vogue Italy.
A play of contrasts served as the inspiration for the Fall Winter 2015/16 collection by Giannico. Each piece is transformed into a work of art through innovation and the use of precious materials. Genius and inspiration surround the shoes turning them into objects of desire Sweet and sugary scents awaken memories of a carefree childhood that are emanated from the rubber details.
“Eternal Summer Collection” S/S2016 is a celebration of the summer season. Vivid colors, eye-catching decorations, captivating patterns. Nothing is minimal here, everything shines bright to pay homage to women’s beauty and elegance.The color palette ranges from sorbet tones of baby pink and sky blue to vivid shades of fuchsia, orange and yellow. Black trimming adds a graphic touch highlighting the collection’s sophisticated spirit.
SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Collection
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Superlola |
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Julienne |
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Esther |
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Lola |
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Lolita |
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Marina |
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Picasso |
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Roxy |
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Star and Pamela Boots |
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Blair and Madison open toe |
FALL/WINTER 2015/16 Collection
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Tavi |
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Superlola |
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Lola |
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Lolita |
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Margot |
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Elizabeth |
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Mia |
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Picasso |
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Warhol from S/S2015 collection worn by Lady Gaga |
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