Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Villa Medici changes clothes to the sound of music.
On february 11, 2016, French Academy in Rome celebrated its 350th anniversary, and Saturday 13 and Sunday, February 14, Villa Medici opened to the public with artistic initiatives that  narrates the story of this institution in an original fashion.
Founded by Louis XIV in 1666, it has welcomed, since then, generations of artists and scholars.
Show of light and images of the company Spectaculaires - les allumeurs d’images that  livened up the internal façade of the Villa. An exclusive performance of great suggestion, articulated between the projection of videos and light effects in synchrony with the music, which celebrate 350 years of the French Academy’s history through unpublished images from its archives, fragments of works and the faces of the fellows who have contributed to render this institution renowned.

Villa Medici cambia abiti a suon di musica.
L’11 febbraio 2016 l’Accademia di Francia a Roma per festeggiare il suo 350° anniversario, sabato 13 e domenica 14 febbraio 2016, ha aperto le porte di Villa Medici celebrando l' avvenimento con un programma di eventi artistici.
Fondata nel 1666 per volere di Luigi XIV, l’istituzione ha da allora accolto generazioni di artisti e ricercatori.
Il collettivo Spectaculaires – Allumeurs d’images ha offerto uno spettacolo di luci e immagini meravoglioso, ispirato ai 350 anni di storia dell’Accademia di Francia,  presentato sulla facciata interna di Villa Medici.

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