Monday, May 9, 2016

i' alave- iconic shoes and ironic styling

i’alave, is a brand shoes from San Francisco designed by Eva Lay.
Eva Lai was born in Taipei, Taiwan. After graduating from University
she attended London College of Fashion. In 2007, a move to San Francisco, Eva joined Academy of Art to study Master Degree in Fashion Merchandising. During attendance, Eva discovered her true calling for shoes design and signed up for individual classes to expand her experience and knowledge on the subject. In 2013 Eva established her footwear brand - i’alave.
The Brand was started due to Eva’s love for shoes and a desire to explore the expressiveness of femininity. I’alave shoes is the perfect blend of fine materials, color, emotion and silhouettes with traditional Italian shoemaking. Inspired by lines and curves of feminine silhouettes, i’alave designs shoes as an extension to the feminine form. Each shoes is created and imagined to form a sensual exploration of personal character through strong lines, soft colors, designer heels and premium leather.
Eva Lai love to exploring different colors and putting them together, so she creates a new sensation for the wearer.
Some shoes have shapes and colors that remind me to art deco, they are my favorite.


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